Company Overview

Company NameBlack Pigeon Inc.
Office AddressPhoenix Jimbocho Building 4F
Jimbocho 2-34, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0051, JAPAN
Representative OfficesTokyo  | Kansai
Contact Detail

TEL & FAX: Not for public


If you are contacting us for the first time, please send us email at If it’s an important email(i.e.Talent Search by Employer, Job Search by Talent, etc. ), we will reply you within 24 hours.

PresidentEmdad HOQ
Business ContentsExecutive Search  | Head Hunting | Domestic Recruitment | International Recruitment |  HR Consulting   |  Career Path Development Training  and advisory services
(Ministry of Labor Japan)13-Yu-305797
Paid-in Capital20,000,000 Yen
Year of EstablishmentJuly, 2012
Major Banks

MUFG Bank, Ltd.

Mizuho Bank, Ltd.

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation.

Resona Bank, Ltd.
Other Businesses

1.    Investment & Operation of Restaurant Business (TORKARI)

–          TORKARI JIMBOCHO (Main)

(“TORKARI” is a Halal Bengal Homestyle Curry Restaurant specialized in BHORTA, BHAJI, BIRIYANI, KHICHURI and BENGAL CURRY). It serves East & West Bengal cuisines.